
What do the new Equator Principles mean for Biodiversity?

Posted 15th November 2020

What has happened? On the 1 October 2020, The Equator Principles Association (EPA) updated its Equator Principles (EPs) for the fourth time (Equator Principles 4 or EP4 – you can download a version here [1]). What are the Equator Principles? The EPA was established in 2003 and in 2020 is made up of a little […]

Jakarta: Smart city of the future?

Posted 19th October 2020

Introduction Jakarta in Indonesia recently dropped 13 places to 94th in the Global Smart Cities Index published on 17th September 2020. Public perception regarding poor air quality, traffic congestion and a continuous increase in Covid-19 infections were to blame.[1]  These recent developments along with many climate and water related challenges demonstrate how urgently the city […]

IBC home page photography gallery – a big thank-you to all those on!

Posted 27th September 2020

International Biodiversity Consultants Ltd would like to extend a big thank-you to all those on whose photographs we used to develop our website. They really are a stunning set of photos and we are very lucky to have access to them. Please follow the links to view their galleries and those of others on […]

International Biodiversity Consultants – one year on…

Posted 23rd September 2020

International Biodiversity Consultants Ltd (IBC) recently celebrated its first birthday on the 12 September 2020! Yes, anniversaries are just as important for a limited company as for any other entity! For IBC, it’s certainly been an interesting start for a business and an interesting year in general! Who could have foreseen a global pandemic last […]

An unmanaged retreat in Java

Posted 19th September 2020

Introduction The coastline of Java in Indonesia, like many other coastal areas around the world, is vulnerable to the impacts of sea level rise due to a combination of natural and human factors. One of the primary reasons for Java’s vulnerability is its low-lying topography. The island has a long and heavily populated coastline that […]

Map of Jakarta

Jakarta: a mega-city faces its climate challenges

Posted 30th August 2020

Introduction 2020 has seen a number of floods in Indonesia’s capital, Jakarta, with the worst flood since 2007 occurring on New Year’s Day. This event resulted in over 60 casualties and hundreds of thousands people displaced. [1] Jakarta has been hit by floods numerous times in the past including four events in the last 20 […]

Why International Biodiversity Consultants?

Posted 16th January 2020

It’s International Biodiversity Consultants vision that we help and assist the private sector and our clients to ‘scale-up’ their ambition for ecological mitigation and aim for ‘bigger, better and more joined up’ improvements in landscape restoration and integration.