Specialising in detailed
high-quality assessments
Cost-effective biodiversity
consultancy solutions
Integrating technological
Our biodiversity consultancy services cover the following areas
- Preliminary Ecological Appraisals (PEAs), desktop studies and detailed field habitat and species assessments to CIEEM UK methods and standards
- Use of Environmental DNA (eDNA) and metabarcoding tools and technology to identify, manage and monitor plants and animals
- Aerial drone photography, satellite imagery and mapping
- Collaboration and project management of globally recognized expert and niche specialists
- Focused biodiversity risk studies, identification of corporate biodiversity footprints for financial due diligence
- Working to various finance and biodiversity impact assessment measurement methods and International safeguarding standards
- Data collation and management
- Data evaluation, analysis and interpretation
- Data visualisation and presentation
- GIS mapping, Remote Sensing analysis
- Identification of nature-related risks and nature positive opportunities
- Biodiversity value asset identification and metrics analysis
Strategic Solutions
- Developing corporate and project strategies (Biodiversity Strategy Plans)
- Science-based Targets and Key Performance Indicator Analysis
- Ensuring cross-discipline liaison and integration
- Implementation of Nature-based Solutions Assessments
- United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
- Integrating Mitigation Hierarchy and minimisation of footprint strategies
- Biodiversity Management Plans (BMPs) and Biodiversity Action Plans (BAPs)
- Integrating Global Safeguarding Standards and Mitigation Best Practices
- Progress/performance tracking, monitoring and evaluation
- Biodiversity Offsetting through No Net Loss and nature-positive improvements
- Adaptive management – ensuring resilience is maintained over time
- Communicating biodiversity financial disclosures and transparent reporting initiatives