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Biodiversity Due Diligence

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Specialising in detailed
high-quality assessments

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Cost-effective biodiversity
consultancy solutions

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Integrating technological


International Biodiversity Consultants - Biodiversity Due Diligence in Guinea


Our international biodiversity and ecology specialists undertook a detailed audit for a bauxite mine operation in Guinea, West Africa. Environmental and Social Monitoring Audit and reviewed it against IFC Performance Standard 6 (Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources). The review covered the following:

  • An audit of the Project Ecology Team Business Management Systems (BMS) Action tracking;
  • Project staff resources allocated to the Ecology Team (their roles, responsibilities, qualifications and training); monitoring of biodiversity studies (IUCN Red Listed Threatened species and flora and fauna participative programmes);
  • Offsets;
  • Forest management programmes;
  • Ecological mine rehabilitation and restoration;
  • Community nurseries;
  • Ecosystem Services and Stakeholder Engagement;
  • Project Technical Specialist input and work; and
  • Ecology related issued connected to project extensions
International Biodiversity Consultants - Biodiversity Due Diligence in Spain


An Ecological Gap Analysis was conducted as part of a Pre-Economic Assessment for a proposed copper mine reworking in NW Spain.

The project included an ecological walkover of the site to identify key risks to biodiversity and ecology, specifically with regards to nearby EU Natura 2000 Special Areas of Conservation and Special Protection Areas. Reporting was conducted to IFC Performance Standards.

International Biodiversity Consultants - Biodiversity Due Diligence in Sudan


As part of a new gold mine development in the Red Sea Hills in Northern Sudan, our staff conducted an Environmental and Social Gap Analysis.

The project site visit also covered a review of Environmental Health and Safety walkover audit. Reporting and gap analyses were prepared in line with IFC Performance Standards 1 to 8.

International Biodiversity Consultants - Biodiversity Due Diligence in Vietnam


As part of a new gold mine development in the Red Sea Hills in Northern Sudan, our staff conducted an Environmental and Social Gap Analysis.

The project site visit also covered a review of Environmental Health and Safety walkover audit. Reporting and gap analyses were prepared in line with IFC Performance Standards 1 to 8.